To add a new conditional formatting rule, click Add, in the Name box, type a name, click Font to specify the formatting, and then click Condition to specify the criteria for this rule.To change the text formatting, click the rule, and then click Font.To change the criteria for a rule, click the rule, and then click Condition.To temporarily turn off a rule, clear the check box for that rule.To delete a rule, click the rule, and then click Delete.In addition, any conditional formatting rules that you created in the Organize pane with an earlier version of Outlook appear. This rule makes unread messages appear bold in the message list. In the Advanced View Settings dialog box, click Conditional Formatting.In the Current View group, click View Settings.In this article Create a conditional formatting rule Conditional text formatting is now accessed in the Advanced View Settings dialog box. Note: Beginning with Microsoft Outlook 2010, the Organize feature that enabled you to create conditional text formatting rules for email messages was removed. If you want to make further changes to the body of your email messages. For example, a conditional rule can specify that all messages sent from your manager appear in red text in the message list. You specify conditions that an incoming message should meet, such as a sender’s name or email address, and then conditional formatting is applied only to those messages. Outlook for Office 365 Outlook 2019 Outlook 2016 Outlook 2013 Conditional formatting is a way to make the incoming messages that meet defined conditions stand out in the message list by using color, fonts, and styles. Please bring back bold folder names for unread email. It is not practical to keep all folders showing all the time.

Highlight folders in outlook 2016 for Mac that includes new emails. Bold folders names for unread mail contained within (including subfolders), similar to how it was in 2011.